All contents 2010-present, The Gluten Free Critic

About The Gluten-Free Critic

The Gluten-Free Critic (aka Tony) is a lifelong Albuquerquean who was diagnosed with celiac sprue when he was three years old. With a great deal of help from his too-awesome-to-be-believed mother, he not only survived, but thrived, and he now looks forward to helping anyone with a similar aversion to gluten.

Hmm. Kind of a skimpy bio. Well, we'll see if I ever get around to fleshing it out.

The GF Critic can be contacted by elecronic means thusly: thegfcritic~AT~gmail~DOT~com
In lieu of a traditional FAQ, he has set up a formspring account here: If there is ever a good enough widget for the blogspot/formspring connection, he may use it. Until then, you'll have to click away. Read on!